Monday, March 9, 2009

My #2 place to visit recommendation

#2- Peter Iredale:

The Peter Iredale was washed onto the beach near Fort Stevens in 1906. It was a four-masted steel ship and they could not get it off the beach no matter how hard they tried. Over the years the sea has claimed almost all of the wreckage, but the rusted steel frame from the front of the boat can still be easily seen. You definitely have to see this site while you are in the area because it isn't going to be around that much longer. Seeing the Peter Iredale wreckage is not the only reason to visit this location though. It is a relatively unknown spot to tourists, which means you have an enormous, and I mean enormous, stretch of beach to yourself. Sand dunes seperate the beach from the parking area and are great to run up and down. It is beautiful to watch the sunset from the beach or even from the comfort of your car.

Jeremy's Insider Tips-
Bring a swimsuit, and towels any time you go anywhere near the ocean. My mom couldn't keep me from running into those beautiful waves as a child, and I still run into them as an adult.... even when I am just going for "a walk on the beach." Bring a windbreaker or light coat, especially if you are going to be there when the sun is going down. Bring a camera. Finally, I highly recommend that you buy a bottle of charcoal lighter fluid and gather some wood at the beach, which is washed up all over the place, and build a fire. It is completely legal, and is a great way to cook some hotdogs or marshmellows on sticks.

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