Monday, March 9, 2009

My #1 place to visit recommendation

#1- Astoria Column:

Built in 1926, the Astoria Column is the most visited landmark in Astoria. You will find pictures of the column on any Astoria, Oregon website and postcards/souvenirs. The Column is located on top of the small mountain, or large hill, that Astoria is built upon and surrounded by. It can be see from nearly every place in Astoria. Additionally, its location at the highest point in the immediate area means that you have a unparalleled view of not only all of Astoria, but of the Columbia River, Washington State, the Pacific Ocean, and just about everything in a 40-50 mile radius (on a clear day). The clearer the sky the more you can see, but even on a rainy day you will find the view of the city simply beautiful. You do not have to climb the column to enjoy this view, but all those 164 stairs inside are just begging to be climbed by the adventurous (there are platforms to rest on while you climb to the top so don't worry about holding up traffic).*

*Please note that the stairs are currently closed for repairs and are planned to be open to the public by Memorial Day 2009.

Jeremy's Insider Tips- The road driving up to the column is in great condition, but is full of sharp curves, so drive slowly. Make sure you bring some binoculars if you have some, and a camera. It is also a beautiful place to have a little picnic. There is a gift shop in the parking lot.

If you enjoyed this website you might also enjoy some of my other websites about the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Just click on one of the links below, and thank you for visiting my website!

An Insider's Astoria, Oregon Area Recommended Dining Guide

An Insider's Astoria, Oregon Recommended Quick Trips Guide

An Insider's Astoria, Oregon Area Recommended Hidden Spots Guide

1 comment:

  1. oh wow! astoria sounds like a really nice place and you are lucky to live there. it's really nice that someone has taken the time to inform people out there. i want to go!!!

    channy xx aus.


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